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Welcome to Reception!


Our Reception unit aims for all children to become independent, motivated and engaged learners. We hope for every child to be a confident learner who loves and enjoys learning new things.


Our classroom has a connected outside area which prompts an exciting, stimulating and enriched environment for the children. It is split into different areas of learning with a variety of resources in each, to help give children different learning experiences. They can use these experiences to help build on existing and new concepts to extend their knowledge and understanding, with effective scaffolding from the staff.


We follow the EYFS curriculum which is play based learning which enables the foundation team to promote a balanced (CIL) Child-initiated and adult-led learning timetable whilst enhancing exploratory and first-hand experiences. This gives children the opportunity to choose from a range of activities to enhance their own learning and challenge themselves both inside and outside, focusing on 7 different areas of the curriculum.


Prime Areas

Personal, Social and Emotional development
Communication and language development
Physical development

These areas are the most important to embed and develop first in the young mind of our children to develop their social skills, communication, language, independence and love of learning.

We value every child as a unique individual and plan our curriculum on the childrenÂ’s interests. We believe very much in providing the children with first-hand, real life experiences to enrich their learning and to make it purposeful. We cater for all childrenÂ’s needs and plan extra support and intervention for any child who may need it. We value the importance of outdoor learning.

Specific Areas

Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design

Shared Daily Activities

Phonics, maths and sessions relating to our topic we are learning about at that time.

Importance of fostering a love of reading

We teach reading through:

  • Read, Write Inc. phonics scheme

  • Hearing your child read individually

  • Sharing texts in Literacy and other subjects

We strongly believe that parents have an invaluable contribution towards their own child’s learning. We like to develop and foster good relationships with our parents to ensure that children achieve their very best and reach their full potential. We value parentÂ’s views and understand that they are ultimately their childÂ’s first educators. We welcome parents openly into our unit and encourage participation throughout the year.

Observations and assessment

Baseline carried out in September
Tapestry online learning journals
EYFS profile at the end of the year

Tapestry is an online journal recording all the learning and fun of children’s early years education. To access your childÂ’s learning journey please click the below link:


Any problems please contact Miss Mason or Mrs Rawlins-Found.

How can you support your child?

  • Home-school agreement

  • Reading with your child

  • Completing homework

  • Accessing and contributing to Tapestry at home.

What do I need to remember to bring in?

Every day
Remember to put your child’s reading books into their book bag, ensuring there has been a comment left in their reading journal.

PE kit
We have PE every Wrednesday and Friday.

Children are expected to read at home daily.

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Contact Us

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If you would like us to support you with your website design contact

Tel: 01733 234185

Mrs L Scott

If you require any information in paper format please ask by emailing the office.


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ICO REG No:Z6537142


Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator 

Mrs S Walton

UNESCO Award logo
OFSTED Good award


Global Inclusion Award 2024


Winyates Primary School
Orton Goldhay

Winyates School Logo
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