We are so excited to launch our class pages this year! It is a little later than usual because each class has really worked hard and thought deeply about the animal that most represents their class personality. On these class pages you will also find knowledge organisers for the subjects being taught and curriculum overviews that show the journey we will be on this term, unpicking the question ‘What Makes Us Who We Are?’.
We will embrace the curriculum opportunities that this affords - I have with great excitement seen that Year Two will be looking at a comparative study with Jamaica and thinking how their climate and culture has made them who they are, I have already seen some fabulous work in these classes! Each year group also has developed some wonderful authentic outcomes where children will be able to put their knowledge skills and experience into the real world! Sadly no real trip to Jamaica for Year Two, but I have already heard the wonderful words of wisdom from Usain Bolt streaming through the school!
These curriculum maps will hopefully give you a great starting point for tea time conversations. Below you will find a link to our Knowledge Organiser page, which gives you further information about how this supports your child's learning. At the bottom of this page you will also find direct links to each of the Year Group pages. Enjoy!
Kindest regards,
Mrs Firth