On Thursday 16th November, Mr Colley, Mr Carson-Doughty and Mrs Firth all travelled to Glazier's Hall in London for the prestigious Rennaisance Awards. These awards are open to all schools not only nationally but also internationally and recognise work specifically done in reading.
Our school were successful in winning the Celebration and Recognition Award for 2023. This award was given to us in recognition of the hard work that our school does to recognise and celebrate the reading that our children complete. The methods that we use include; our half termly trips to Waterstones where children are allowed to choose a book that school purchases for them, our reading selfie competition, our reading newsletter and our weekly reading raffle, as well as all of the other fantastic things our teachers do each and every day.
We are so proud to share this success with you and know that our commitment to reading can only further enhance the opportunities and progress of your children.