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Welcome to Reception.

In our Reception unit our aim is for all children to become independent, motivated and resilient learners. We strive for every child to be a confident learner who loves and enjoys learning new things. We do this by building in our values of excellence, ambition, kindness and courage which are underpinned by our three school rules of Ready to learn, Respect and Responsibility.




We follow the Early Years curriculum which is play based learning and is a mixture of child-initiated and adult-led experiences. There are 7 different areas in the Early Years curriculum. There are three prime areas which are:

  • Personal, social and emotional development - making good relationship,  managing emotions and following school rules

  • Communication and language - increasing vocabulary and communicating with peers and adults

  • Physical development - develop fine and gross motor skills


Once these areas are becoming embedded we move onto the specific areas:

  • Literacy - reading, writing and comprehension

  • Mathematics - use of number and embedding number sense for reasoning

  • Understanding the world - learning about people, communities and the wider world

  • Expressive arts and design - expressing themselves creatively through role-play, art and construction


Characteristics of effective learning.


Alongside the early years curriculum, we support children’s development through the characteristics of effective learning. They are:

Playing and exploring where we support the children to “have a go”, using the environment and resources to discover more about the world around them.


Active learning where children are motivated to become independent learners, building up resilience to keep going even when tey face and challenge.

Creating and thinking critically where we provide opportunities for children to be problem solvers and enabling them to make links in their learning to support them in their play and exploration.

Our Environment

At Winyates, our resourceful environment has a connecting outside area which offers plenty of opportunities for children to explore and learn in all areas of learning whilst prompting exciting, stimulating and enriching experiences for all children.




Shared Daily Activities

  • Phonics

  • Maths

  • Literacy and curriculum sessions relating to our whole school ‘big question’.


Importance of fostering a love of reading

Every child deserves success right from the start. We know that the sooner children learn to read, the greater their success at school. This is why we put reading at the heart of what we do.


We teach reading through:

  • Read, Write Inc. phonics scheme – link to READ WRITE INC PAGE

  • 1:1 sessions

  • Sharing texts in all areas of learning


At home you can…

  • Practise speed sounds (Green book)

  • Share a book together

  • Encourage children to make predictions, look at pictures and talk about what they see, hear and read


Observations and assessment

  • Baseline is carried out in September

  • Tapestry online learning journal documents the week’s learning and knowledge

  • EYFS profile at the end of the year

  • Children’s learning journals which include all their achievements

Tapestry is an online journal recording all the learning and fun of children’s early years education. To access your child’s learning journey please click the below link:


Any problems please contact Miss Mason or Mrs Rawlins- Found


Parent/school Relationship

We strongly believe that parents have an invaluable contribution towards their own child’s learning. We like to develop and foster good relationships with our parents to ensure that children achieve their very best and reach their full potential. We value parents’ views and understand that they are ultimately their child’s first educators. We welcome parents openly into our unit and encourage participation throughout the year.


How can you support your child?

  • Home-school agreement

  • Reading with your child

  • Completing homework

  • Accessing and contributing to Tapestry at home

  • Attend parent meeting and appointments



What do I need to remember to bring in?


Every day
Remember to put your child’s reading books into their book bag, ensuring there has been a comment left in their reading journal.

Water bottles.

Clothing provided for all weathers (sun hat, scream - summer; Hat, gloves, coat - Winter)


PE kit
We have PE every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure every item of your child’s clothing is labelled with their name.

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Contact Us

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If you would like us to support you with your website design contact

Tel: 01733 234185

Mrs L Scott

If you require any information in paper format please ask by emailing the office.


Data Protection Information

ICO REG No:Z6537142


Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator 

Mrs S Walton

UNESCO Award logo
OFSTED Good award


Global Inclusion Award 2024


Winyates Primary School
Orton Goldhay

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