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Remote learning is a broad term encompassing any learning that happens outside of the classroom, with the teacher giving instruction but they are not present in the same location as the pupils.


We will also be using the blended learning approach which is a mix of face-to-face and remote methods. An example would be the ‘flipped classroom’, where main input happens remotely (for example through video), then the children at home complete the activities off-screen while the children in class are completing the same activities with additional adult support. Due to this approach we are able to offer the children at home the same curriculum that they would receive if they are in school.


In line with DFE guidance we will be offering pupils in KS1 with 3 hours of activities per day and pupils in KS2 will be provided with 4 hours per day of activities. The activities set will be a mixture of on-screen and off-screen learning to ensure pupils do not need to look at a screen all day.


Please refer to the posters below, outlining the programs and our expectations of children learning from home. We are determined to support every child to ‘keep learning’, whether they are physically in school or not. Due to the importance we are placing on the continued education for all we will monitor engagement daily so please ensure that the school office knows if your child is unable to attend ‘Live lessons’ with a reason. If the teacher does not see a child on the live learning then an email will be sent, followed by a phone call from the teacher and a member of our Senior Leadership Team if the absence persists for more than one day.


The children in school will already be part of their class' Google Classroom and will be using this technology within the school day to ensure they are comfortable with it to ensure a seamless transition if they need to be educated home due to a period of self-isolation.


If your child needs to start learning from home, they will be provided with a 'Live Lesson' timetable, which will be posted onto their Google Classroom. The 'live lessons' and resources will then be accessed through the Google Classroom page. If a whole bubble is required to isolate, then the children will also be provided with age appropriate resource packs, including maths resources and a selection of arts and craft materials to keep learning active, engaging and fun whilst they are educated at home.


Mr Hollingsworth

Business & Innovation Manager

Mr S Hollingsworth Business & Innovation Manager


If there is a situation where a pupil does not have access to an electronic device or as a household you do not have access to the internet then please contact via email so that we can support you. If a pupil still requires printed materials due to not being able to access online materials then please email the school office who will provide details of how to collect and hand back the printed materials.


We appreciate that technology can be difficult at times, so please do contact us if you have any questions. Just complete this online form  and we will get back to you asap.

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Mrs S Walton

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