Winyates School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of its pupils. School staff, governors and volunteers are expected to demonstrate this commitment in all elements of their work. At Winyates we achieve this through:
Establishing and maintaining an environment where children feel secure and are encouraged to talk and are listened to.
Ensuring that staff are able to identify welfare concerns and take appropriate action to address their concerns.
Ensuring children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried.
Including opportunities in PSHE curriculum for children to develop the skills, they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse.
Recognising that each pupil’s welfare is of paramount importance and that some children may be especially vulnerable to abuse e.g. those with special educational needs, those living in adverse circumstances e.g. those who witness violence.
Rigorous internal systems are in place to ensure safeguarding at a high level. Staff, volunteers and parents should also be aware that anyone can make a referral to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Board at any time.
Designated safeguarding leads: Mrs C Firth (Executive Head), Mrs J Adam (Family Liaison) and Mr M Carson-Doughty (Assistant Headteacher)
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs J Moore